Ganelon is a well-respected Frankish baron and Roland's stepfather. He resents his stepson's boastfulness and great popularity among the Franks and success on the battlefield. He's a Frankish nobleman and a Christian, but that doesn't make him good.
You're never on solid ground with Ganelon. He's as slippery as an eel, and the more you try to figure out what he really thinks or what he really did, the more he eludes you. It's clear that he and Roland haven't been getting on for quite some time. During his trial, Ganelon claims that Roland tricked him out of money and when Roland nominated him for the dangerous mission to Spain, Ganelon seized the chance to destroy him. Whatever this tricky man actually thinks, we do know how he gets things done. The poet tells us right off that he gets an excellent mark in persuasive speaking. To Blancandrin he speaks "with great cunning" and to Marsile he speaks with "great guile," after thinking "everything out carefully".
Plus, if his plans require it, he can artfully mix lies with truth. For instance, he tells Marsile the truth about Charlemagne's offer but then makes up the part about Roland ruling half of Spain with him. Charlemagne said nothing about letting Roland rule Spain, but how else is Ganelon going to work Roland into the planning conversation?
In the same way, Ganelon is also willing to befriend anyone who might help him out. He cozies up to Blancandrin in no time, even though he's an evil pagan working for the enemy. And however dastardly his deeds, you gotta hand it to him: this man is brave. He bluffs his way with Marsile, unflinching even when Marsile wants to spear him against the wall. He even keeps his cool when Charlemagne hears Roland blowing the oliphant. Ganelon's crazy to think that his scheme won't be found out, yet he blatantly lies to Charlemagne and pretends it's not an attack. We find him in equally top form at his trial, standing up tall and proud, insisting that he was within his rights. Even the poet admires him:
He is robust of body, he has high color in his face,
If he were loyal, he would appear to be a worthy knight.
He argues his innocence with such force that it's tempting to think he actually believes in it. In "a booming voice" he cries, "I'll be damned if I hide it!" And ultimately that's the take-home message about Ganelon: the only thing he believes in or cares about is himself. Devotion to Charlemagne or to France or to the military glory of France means nothing to him. Obsessed with his private wrongs, he sacrifices every loyalty and every principle to destroy Roland, no matter what the collateral damage (20,000 knights at Roncevaux, plus tons more in Charlemagne's army).
This makes Ganelon a totally different kind of villain than Marsile or the Emir. They're bad simply because they're pagans. Ganelon, on the other hand, is bad because he's selfish. And even in this fervently Christian poem, that seems to make Ganelon worse. At the end, justice is served when Ganelon's comrade Pinabel is defeated in a trial-by-combat, showing that Ganelon is a traitor in the eyes of God. Thus Ganelon is torn limb from limb by four fiery horses.
Ganelon’s Timeline

First this sneaky guy advises Charlemagne that Blancandrin is telling the truth about Marsile's intentions.
Then, he reacts with anger when Roland nominates him to be the messenger and promises revenge.
He plots with Blancandrin to destroy Roland.
Then, he persuades Marsile that a ruse of fake conversion, fake offers of vassalage, and actual destruction. of Roland's rearguard is the way to break Charlemagne. Boo. Hiss.
He rides back to Charlemagne with gifts and (supposedly) good news.
Jerk nominates Roland to lead the rearguard.
But he pooh-poohs Charlemagne's alarm when they hear the oliphant, claiming it's no battle, only Roland's arrogance.
He's turned over to Charlemagne's kitchen servants once his treachery is exposed.
Then he declares on trial that he hates Roland for cheating him out of the big bucks.
Finally—finally—he's sentenced to death by drawing and quartering. Good riddance.