Have you ever heard about King Arthur’s knights? Or about the Holy Grail, which has the miraculous powers that provide happiness, eternal youth or sustenance in infinite abundance? There’s no doubts that the answer is yes. If you find these things interesting, «Parzival» is the right book for you.
Let’s come back to the Holy Grail, cause it plays one of the important roles in the book. All the legends about it are amazing and astonishing. Our team spent a lot of time talking about it and we all think that the story of Holy Grail will never lose its magic.
We all know how desperately knights of the round table wanted to get the Holy Grail. They wished to become immortal and invincible. Unfortunately, they never found it. However, our character, Parzival, had a chance to reach the Grail. He changed for the better, although he never was bad. He became more gallant and that’s why he got his prize. But we won’t tell you, what this prize is. Read the book and find out!