The poem of the Cid
Considering the fact that The Poem of the Cid represents a great source of historical data, it never bothers the reader and gives them even more opportunities to plunge into the text. But seriously, isn’t that greatwhen the actions did take place, when all the characters of the book existed in real life? All this, for sure, provokes our great interest, especially for our being able to look up the info about the heroes in other books, or just google it. By doing this, we can gradually built ourfantastic World of the Cid.
In spite of the story’s being full of various names, locations and dramatic peripeteias, even those who’re not familiar with Spanish (oh,we can prove it – believe us) will have the experience of easy and exciting reading, because a big deal of positive emotions pierce the story from its beginning till the ending. For instance, the Cid is always called ‘who in good hour was born’. Such a peculiarity makes us believe that something good is about to happen, the poem will win its happy ending, all the obstacles are temporary.
With regard to the obstacles themselves, we can add that they are nothing but chances for the heroes to reveal their real selves and show up their main traits. Let us look back at the episode in which the Cid leaves his family and sets off with his vassals: here Doña Jimena appears as a perfect image embodying dedication, loyalty and fidelity.